International Journal of Oral Implantology & Clinical Research

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2015 | September-December | Volume 6 | Issue 3

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Deepthi Kannan, Laliytha Bijai Kumar, PS Subiksha

Cone Beam Computed Tomography Evaluation of Postmenopausal Alveolar Bone Changes in Osteoporotic Women

[Year:2015] [Month:September-December] [Volume:6] [Number:3] [Pages:4] [Pages No:65 - 68]

   DOI: 10.5005/jp-journals-10012-1138  |  Open Access |  How to cite  | 


Background: Osteoporosis is a metabolic bone disease commonly seen in elderly people and women. It is characterized by decreased bone mineral density leading to increased tendency to fracture. It has increased incidence in postmenopausal women. Dental radiographs can be used as a tool to identify the same. With the advancements in technology, cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) can be used for evaluation of alveolar bone changes and thus serve as a valuable predictor for osteoporosis. Aim: To assess the alveolar bone changes in postmenopausal osteoporotic women using CBCT. Objectives: • To assess pattern of bone loss as either horizontal or vertical in character. • To assess mandibular cortex index (MCI), mandibular cortex thickness (MCT), mental index (MI) and bone loss. • Thus to estimate the alveolar bone changes in postmenopausal osteoporotic women using CBCT. Materials and methods: The present study was conducted in department of Oral Medicine and Radiology at Saveetha Dental College. Totally 91 women above 50 years of age were included in this study. Ethical committee clearance was obtained from the scientific committee of the university. Patients who were willing to replace their missing teeth by implant was evaluated by CBCT. Cone beam computed tomography used was ORTHOPHOS 3D, Sirona (Germany) at 90 Kvp, 14 mAS. MCI, MCT, MI and bone loss were assessed from the radiograph. The results obtained were subjected to statistical analysis using Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) software version 17.0 for Windows. Results: In our present study, the mean age was 56 years. The endosteal margin was normal in 50%, mild in 19% and severe in 22% of the total subjects. There is no significant relationship in mental index between right and left side at the mental foramen region. The bone loss is angular in 46% of the RESEARCH ARTICLE 10.5005/jp-journals-10012-1138 subjects and horizontal in 45% of the subjects. There was a statistical significance between mental index and Mandibular cortical index which was done using one-way ANOVA (0.019). post hoc multiple comparison revealed statistical significance in MI’ of normal endosteal margin and MI’ of mild endosteal margin (0.021). Conclusion: Thus to conclude, determining the rate of success in replacement of teeth especially using an implant, the density of bone is considered as an important factor. Further studies with larger samples will be helpful to establish a significant relationship between radiomorphometric indices and osteoporosis. Future studies comparing with gold standard dual energy X-ray absorptiometry (DEXA) can be done to standardise the correlation of radiomorphometric indices and osteoporosis.



Ravishankar Krishna, Rashmi Kejriwal, J Suma

Retrieval of Cold Welded Dental Implant Cover Screw using a New Technique

[Year:2015] [Month:September-December] [Volume:6] [Number:3] [Pages:4] [Pages No:69 - 72]

   DOI: 10.5005/jp-journals-10012-1139  |  Open Access |  How to cite  | 


Background: Cold welded cover screw is a rare mechanical complication. There is barely any literature on the etiology and removal techniques for the same. However, it can pose a serious problem and the screw needs to be removed, without damaging the internal threads of the implant, to initiate the prosthetic phase of implant therapy. Aim: The aim of this paper is to report our experience with the retrieval of cold welded dental implant cover screw. Case description: The present situation illustrates a new technique to retrieve a cold welded cover screw. Conclusion: Removing a cold welded cover-screw from an implant can be difficult. There is no method of screw removal that can be universally applied. In this particular case, the screw was successfully removed using the prescribed technique. Therefore, this new technique may be used when removing a cold welded coverscrew from the implant. Clinical significance: This technique is cost-effective, simple, and applicable to all available dental implant systems and can be effectively incorporated into the clinical situations in which the cold welded screws are not retrievable by conventional techniques.



Vaibhav Shukla, Dharti Gajjar, Reema Shukla, Sorabh R Jain

Cold Shoulder to Basal Implant: Its Time to Acknowledge Endosteal Implant

[Year:2015] [Month:September-December] [Volume:6] [Number:3] [Pages:3] [Pages No:73 - 75]

   DOI: 10.5005/jp-journals-10012-1140  |  Open Access |  How to cite  | 


Introduction: Basal implant being a boon in implant dentistry but sometimes behavioral outcome is whimsical. Aim: Replacing basal implants with endosteal implants. Case description: This article refers to the management phases for failing basal implants. Although fractured portion of basal implant was cumbersome to remove leading to bone defect and hence endosteal implant with bone graft was successfully placed. Conclusion: Management of broken basal implants with endosteal implants. Clinical significance: Though basal implants failure rate is less, but in such a case where fracture may occur, can be managed by replacing with endosteal implants with the protocol.



Smita Khalikar, Vishakha Bhandare, Shankar Pandharinath Dange

Implant Supported Overdenture: A Step ahead from Edentulism

[Year:2015] [Month:September-December] [Volume:6] [Number:3] [Pages:6] [Pages No:76 - 81]

   DOI: 10.5005/jp-journals-10012-1141  |  Open Access |  How to cite  | 


Prosthetic rehabilitation of an edentulous patient with resorbed ridges involves various treatment approaches, such as complete dentures, implant supported fixed prostheses and implant supported overdenture. Complete denture in resorbed cases provides limited retention and stability hence ultimate acceptance by patient is reduced. Implant supported fixed prostheses gives a feel of natural teeth and a sense of satisfaction. But it is very costly, time consuming treatment requiring careful maintenance and in patients with inadequate lip support, it does not restore esthetics whereas implant-supported over denture provides excellent retention, stability, esthetics with cost-effective approach. It offers many practical advantages over conventional complete dentures and removable partial dentures. These include decreased bone resorption, reduced or eliminated prostheses movement, better esthetics, increased occlusal function and maintenance of the occlusal vertical dimension. In addition, implants supported over dentures also improve phonetics, the patient's psychological outlook and quality of life. This case report, intends to describe a patient with edentulous upper and lower arch. Because of resorbed lower arch the complete denture was not stable, so to meet the patient's demands, implant supported over denture was planned. Treatment approach was modified at some steps to improve quality and longevity of restoration. The final restoration was stable, well retained and esthetically pleasing.



Ganapathy Sriram, Kanchan Shah

Nonsyndromic Maxillary Double Lip: A Case Report and Review of Literature

[Year:2015] [Month:September-December] [Volume:6] [Number:3] [Pages:3] [Pages No:82 - 84]

   DOI: 10.5005/jp-journals-10012-1142  |  Open Access |  How to cite  | 


Double lip is an uncommon facial anomaly which may be either congenital or acquired. Most often it is nonsyndromic, however it is also known to present as syndrome associated with other systemic disorders. Besides treating the orofacial defect, it is essential to recognize and diagnose the possible systemic disorders with this anomaly. This manuscript reports on management of a case of nonsyndromic double lip with a relevant review of literature.



Rahul Nagrath, Manesh Lahori, Yatharth Bhatia, Anubhav Srivastav

An in vitro Study to Compare the Accuracy of Master Cast Fabricated by Three Different Transfer Techniques for Single Tooth Implant Replacement using Open and Close Tray

[Year:2015] [Month:September-December] [Volume:6] [Number:3] [Pages:9] [Pages No:85 - 93]

   DOI: 10.5005/jp-journals-10012-1143  |  Open Access |  How to cite  | 


Success in oral rehabilitation with dental implants can be attributed to precise surgical and prosthodontics techniques. The long-term success rate of osseointegrated implants has made implant supported prostheses the treatment option of choice for the treatment of missing teeth. With the predictable integration of implants, the emphasis is shifted toward precise prosthesis. An acceptable prostheses requires optimal accuracy in all steps of fabrication. Therefore, present study was undertaken to measure the accuracy between the resin model simulating the clinical situation of a maxillary posterior single-tooth implant and 12 groups of master casts fabricated by 3 different transfer impression techniques using polyvinylsiloxane (PVS) and polyether impression material with customized open and closed trays. Master casts fabricated for all the groups were analyzed with the help of profile projector to detect rotational position change of the hexagon on the implant replicas in the master casts in comparison to the resin model. The master cast using open tray technique with sandblasted coping using polyether material showed the minimum deviation and least rotational movement in the position of hexagon head of implant. Hence, the clinician should use sandblasted impression copings with polyether impression material to achieve a more accurate and precise orientation of the implant replicas on laboratory master casts for single-tooth implant restorations.


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