International Journal of Oral Implantology & Clinical Research

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2014 | May-August | Volume 5 | Issue 2

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Anshul Mel, Varun Goyal, Gunjan Gupta

Comparison of Micromotion around Basally Osseointegrated and Crestal Osseointegrated Implant in Mandibular First Molar Region: A Finite Element Analysis Study

[Year:2014] [Month:May-August] [Volume:5] [Number:2] [Pages:4] [Pages No:39 - 42]

   DOI: 10.5005/jp-journals-10012-1113  |  Open Access |  How to cite  | 


Purpose of study: Crestal and basal implants are endosseous aids to create osseointegrated points of retention. These two types of implants are not only differentiated by the way they are inserted but also by the way the forces are transmitted. The purpose of this study is to compare the micromotion between two crestal and one basal implant-supported crown, when the mesiodistal space is 14 mm in mandibular 1st molar region. Materials and methods: A three-dimensional finite ele ment method was used to evaluate the micromotion in two osseointegrated crestal implants and one basally osseointe grated implant when the mesiodistal space is 14 mm in mandibular 1st molar region. The loads were applied according to cuspmarginal ridge relation. A total of 333 N and 645 N of load was applied to premolar and each molar respectively. The results were analyzed using Von Mises criteria. Results: The results of the comparison of crestal and basal implant to replace mandibular first molar demonstrated that micromotion in crestal implant (14.545) was less than basal implant (36.031). Conclusion: Thus, within the limitations of this study, it can be concluded that the use of two crestal implants to replace a missing mandibular first molar with mesiodistal edentulous space of 14 mm is a preferable option as compared to basal implant to replace a missing mandibular molar.



Meena Ajay Aras, Ronak Mukundkumar Shah

Implant-abutment Selection: A Literature Review

[Year:2014] [Month:May-August] [Volume:5] [Number:2] [Pages:7] [Pages No:43 - 49]

   DOI: 10.5005/jp-journals-10012-1114  |  Open Access |  How to cite  | 


Dental implantology has come a long way since its introduction into the realm of dentistry. A variety of implant abutments have been made available in the market in correspondence to various techniques and materials used. This puts the clinician in a dilemma to select a scientifically based appropriate abutment for his case. This paper thus aims to give a simple classification of the wide array of implant-abutment prototypes available in the market and an overview of each specific type for its clinical applicability.



Shammas Mohammed, SK Shakeel

Short Dental Implants: Its Rationale for Use

[Year:2014] [Month:May-August] [Volume:5] [Number:2] [Pages:5] [Pages No:50 - 54]

   DOI: 10.5005/jp-journals-10012-1115  |  Open Access |  How to cite  | 


Atrophy of alveolar bone in the posterior part of the mouth is routinely encountered in clinical practice. The present treatment modality to replace the missing teeth with an implant-retained fixed partial denture includes sinus bone grafting in the maxilla and onlay bone graft in the mandible. This type of treatment is invasive and requires more time and cost. Short dental implants are used as an alternative treatment modality to bone grafting procedures. Short implants could provide equivalent results to those of longer implants if certain principles are followed. The present article reviews the current literature on the use of short implants and discusses the biomechanical considerations when using short implants.



Sanjeev Mittal, Shivali Goyal, Sahil Sekhri

The Platform Switching Concept—A Myth or Fact: A Literature Review

[Year:2014] [Month:May-August] [Volume:5] [Number:2] [Pages:5] [Pages No:55 - 59]

   DOI: 10.5005/jp-journals-10012-1116  |  Open Access |  How to cite  | 


The peri-implant bone level has been used as one of the criteria to assess the success of dental implants. It is an impor tant prerequisite for preserving the integrity of gin gival margins and interdental papillae. Platform switching for maintaining periimplant bone levels has gained popu larity among implant manufacturers over the last few years. Typically, crestal bone levels are situated 1.5 to 2 mm below the implant-abutment junction, dependent on various factors and there are several theories stating the reason for this phenomenon. Platform switching is a con cept which aims at reduction of the crestal bone loss around the implants and involves the restoration of implants with smaller diameter abutments such that the implant abutment junction (IAJ) is horizontally repositioned inwardly and away from the outer edge of the implant platform. This review aims at summarizing the significance of platform switching.



Rakesh Kumar Dhiman, Dinesh Kumar Saini

Esthetic Rehabilitation with Immediate Implants in a Compromised Situation

[Year:2014] [Month:May-August] [Volume:5] [Number:2] [Pages:3] [Pages No:60 - 62]

   DOI: 10.5005/jp-journals-10012-1117  |  Open Access |  How to cite  | 


The end goal of prosthetic replacement of teeth following tooth loss is to provide a functional restoration that is harmonious with the remaining natural dentition. To achieve this goal, hard and soft tissues need to be present in adequate volume and quality. An increasingly common strategy to preserve bone and reduce treatment times includes the placement of dental implant into a fresh extraction site. Resorption of the alveolar bone is common after the extraction and presents a clinical challenge to ideal implant placement, especially in the esthetic zone. In order to preserve the extraction socket dimension, immediate implant placement at the time of extraction has been proposed. The technique involves atraumatic extraction of the tooth followed by implant placement. Voids between the implant and the socket walls are filled with a particulate bone graft material. This article describes one such case of immediate implant placement and prosthodontic rehabilitation of a young patient following traumatic loss of natural teeth.



ND Akhila, C Sunil

Challenges and Complications in Endosseous Dental Implant: An Analysis with Case Illustrations

[Year:2014] [Month:May-August] [Volume:5] [Number:2] [Pages:9] [Pages No:63 - 71]

   DOI: 10.5005/jp-journals-10012-1118  |  Open Access |  How to cite  | 


The purpose of this article is to illustrate with case representation of complications that have been reported in conjunction with endosseous rootform implants. On review of previous volume on implant complication, the most common implant complications are periimplantitis, hemorrhage, damage to vital structure, loss of implant, inability to rehabilitation, implant body and component fracture. Successful implant rehabilitation is followed by meticulous case preparation and surgical protocol. Case examination can summarize certain challenges that may com promise implant success. We had focused on clinical data over a period of 15 years, regarding management of challenges in implants and failure/complications in implant rehabilitation. The complications can be categorized into following two categories: (1) Surgical complications and (2) prosthetic complications.



Rohit Pandurangappa, Mohammed Fayaz Pasha, Soumyadev Satpathy, Sana Taher

Immediate Implant Placement and Provisionalization: Optimizing Esthetics and Function

[Year:2014] [Month:May-August] [Volume:5] [Number:2] [Pages:7] [Pages No:72 - 78]

   DOI: 10.5005/jp-journals-10012-1119  |  Open Access |  How to cite  | 


Esthetic replacement of tooth in the anterior maxilla is one of the most critical demands of any patient seeking tooth replacement. One of the major current challenges is oral rehabilitation after tooth loss, due to fracture. Esthetic and functional results, together with periodontal health, predict success and prognosis. Implant dentistry provides the solutions for the placement of osseointegrated screw-retained implants or cemented prostheses to replace missing teeth. Careful use of provisional prostheses preserves the harmonious architecture of gingival tissues and affects final treatment results positively. This study describes series of three clinical cases of root fracture of maxillary anterior teeth, which had been previously endodontically treated. The teeth were extracted, immediate implants were placed and the provisional prostheses were fabricated and immediately loaded. The use of an immediate provisional restoration is a viable technique that has good esthetic and functional results and preserves gingival architecture and provides excellent esthetic result for the patient.



Pushkar Desai, Anup Vyas, Esha Khare, Yamini Dhiman

Management of Malpositioned Maxillary Anterior Implant by using Patient Specific Abutment: A Clinical Case Series

[Year:2014] [Month:May-August] [Volume:5] [Number:2] [Pages:4] [Pages No:79 - 82]

   DOI: 10.5005/jp-journals-10012-1120  |  Open Access |  How to cite  | 


Aim: To rehabilitate the patients with labially placed implants in maxillary anterior region to achieve optimal esthetics, emergence profile and function, along with the preservation of surroun ding hard and soft tissue. Background: Rehabilitation of a patient with maxillary anteriors with labially placed implant is always a challenge for a prosthodontist. If prefabricated abutments are used, labial contour would be too bulky that the implant-supported prosthesis would be out of arch. Case description: This case series describes the use of patient specific abutments which are restored with zirconia prosthesis for optimal esthetics and function. This article also discusses the problems faced while rehabilitating such cases. Conclusion: Unique surgical concepts are implemented for proper results to obtain ideal prosthetic restoration for missing teeth in esthetic regions. If surgical management is not chosen, prosthetically these cases can be managed by the use of customized abutments as described in this clinical report. Clinical significance: Use of patient specific abutments as describe in this article resulted in satisfactory restoration in terms of function and esthetics in the critical maxillary anterior region.



Nikhil V Jain, Gaurav Poplai, Purva Hemant Shinde, Affaf Gharatkar

Rehabilitation of a Patient with Screw-retained Milled Titanium Hybrid Prosthesis in the Mandibular Arch and Immediate Implant Placement in the Region of Maxillary Canine followed by Connective Tissue Graft and Immediate Provisionalization

[Year:2014] [Month:May-August] [Volume:5] [Number:2] [Pages:5] [Pages No:83 - 87]

   DOI: 10.5005/jp-journals-10012-1121  |  Open Access |  How to cite  | 


The continuous resorption of the edentulous mandible is the most common cause for the patients not being satisfied with conven tional dentures. With the advent of dental implants, various remov able and fixed options can be provided to the patient for better function, retention, esthetics and phonetics. The mandi bular implantsupported hybrid prosthesis ia a viable pros thetic option as it fixed for the patient and removable for the clinician. The passive fit of a hybrid prosthesis is a prerequisite for a successful prognosis, which can be achieved using the newer technology like computeraided design and computeraided manufacturing (CADCAM) milled titanium frameworks. The use of connective tissue graft to enhance soft tissue bulk around implants helps the clinician provide esthetically appealing outcomes. Immediate loading of the implants is the most preferred option for patients who are esthetically very conscious. Its provisionalization using screwretained prosthesis ensures a stable periimplant health as the extruded cement can be eliminated extraorally. This article presents the fabrication of mandibular implantsupported hybrid prosthesis with CADCAM milled titanium framework and connective tissue around imme diately placed implant with screwretained provisional prosthesis.


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