Citation Information :
Chugh A, Rani S. Mandibular Tooth-supported Overdenture using Customized Ball Attachments: A Clinical Research. Int J Oral Implantol Clin Res 2017; 8 (2-3):81-84.
Tooth-supported overdentures are selectively supported from retained teeth and residual ridge. It helps to maintain the proprioception and preservation of remaining alveolar bone. Use of precision attachments provides with increased retention and gives an excellent sense of satisfaction to the patient. This clinical report describes the use of custom-made ball attachments to retain the tooth-supported mandibular overdenture.
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Bansal S, Aras MA, Chitre V. Tooth supported overdenture retained with custom attachments: a case report. J Indian Prosthdont Soc 2014 Dec;14(Suppl 1):283-286.
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