Guided Bone Regeneration using a Combination of Novel Biomaterial and Type I Collagen for Isolated Ridge Defect to facilitate Delayed Implant Therapy: A Solitary Case Report
Rashmi Paramashivaiah, Pabbati K Vardhan, Munivenkatappa L Venkatesh
Citation Information :
Paramashivaiah R, Vardhan PK, Venkatesh ML. Guided Bone Regeneration using a Combination of Novel Biomaterial and Type I Collagen for Isolated Ridge Defect to facilitate Delayed Implant Therapy: A Solitary Case Report. Int J Oral Implantol Clin Res 2017; 8 (2-3):45-49.
Introduction: Ridge augmentation has attained a key role in implant placement to recreate the natural contour of the hard and soft tissues that may have been lost as a consequence of extraction. Ridge augmentation procedures require bone to be regenerated outside the existing bony walls or housing and are therefore often considered to be one of the most challenging surgical procedures.
Materials and methods: In the current case, a Seibert's class III defect was treated, followed by implant placement after 6 months. The bony deficit was managed with guided bone regeneration (GBR) techniques utilizing bone grafting material and membrane. Second surgery and the subsequent morbidity involved in the removal of nonresorbable membranes were tackled with the use of resorbable collagen membranes. Different bone graft materials are used routinely in combination with these membranes to facilitate space maintenance and to prevent membrane collapse. Particulate xenograft was used, as it restores the natural tissue architecture for placement of implant at a later stage. At the time of implant placement, the ridge was found to have the required dimensions.
Conclusion: Ridge augmentation using a combination of membrane and xenograft for Seibert's class III ridge defect is a predictable treatment option. It improves the restorative aspect of implant placement in compromised areas.
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